Tuesday, September 23

This week I will be mostly...

I'm now going to start updating my blog more often (as long as I can find the time). So this week I will be...
  • Listening to the new Kings Of Leon album ‘Only By The Night’
  • Watching more anime (starting with my new purchases Appleseed and Afro Samurai)
  • Re-reading Trainspotting
  • Applying like crazy for a proper job
  • Trying to find the time for a “cultural weekend” of photography and exploration of London with Ben ‘Awesome Kit’ Sainsbury
  • Getting more stuff done for the Holbeck Whores (see earlier post for more info)
  • Waiting to get paid
  • Preparing enough room for my mum, my sister and her band The Eyelids (check out their myspace) for when they stay with me this weekend after their London gig
See you at the next update. x

Friday, September 19


I've recently decided that I'm going to try and get more hands on with my work again. I used to love stencilling before I went to uni, until everytime I did one someone would say “have you heard of Banksy?” or “is that based on Banksy?” or (...the killer...) “do you base your work on Banksy?”. I didn't even know if that guy existed when I did my first stencil! So I started trying new things and have recently become more and more dependent on my trusty Mac.

I've come to the conclusion that this needs to change again, so it's time to go back to the drawing board. I stopped following Graffiti a couple of years ago, when I decided it would be more worthwhile to find my inspiration from Designers, Typographers and Photographers. However, I did come across a couple of Graffiti artists I liked while researching more established and credit worthy (in the educational sense) practitioners.

One of my favourite photographers is Ricky Powell, and in his book 'Public Access' he has a collection of his photos doctored and manipulated by some impressive illustrators. One of these was KAWS, who now has his own label (original fake) in Japan. I love his simple and brightly coloured illustrations and he has an impressive range of Vinyl figures to his name now too (and an issue of iD based around his world)!

I recently bought some blank vinyl figures. They won't turn out anything like the ones above but it'll be a good way to get back into doing some hands on stuff.

Monday, September 8

Nam-June Paik

On Sunday I eventually got myself out of bed and headed into Central London. I thought it was about time for another culture injection from one of the many museums and galleries on offer. A quick search online told me it was the last day of The American Scene: Prints from Hopper to Pollock at the British Museum.

The stuff on show was "awesome kit" (the phrase of the day), but I was expecting more large scale efforts. If you missed it, or didn't know about it, the exhibit is touring the country from the beginning of next year. For more info click here.

After finishing the tour around the American prints we had a bit of time before the Museum closed so decided to have a look around some more areas. Which is when I stumbled across Nam-June Paik's work. Paik was a South-Korean video artist based in the States, but there wasn't an installation there (I was in a museum, not a gallery), but there was some great screen-prints that he had done on show.

As I'm a huge fan of robots and screen-printed posters, this image is right up my alley! The next time you find yourself at the British Museum go to the South-Korea room just to see these images in all their glory (along with all the other great stuff on show there too). 

Wednesday, September 3

Introducing... The Holbeck Whores

Here's some recent stuff I did for a friend in Leeds and his new project 'The Holbeck Whores'. The images are going to be used in the groups promotional material for their events.

The Holbeck Whores are a group of Leeds based DJ's who are taking the illegal underground music scene by the bollocks. With over 100 years experience between them these boys take no prisoners & nothing serious.

After being recently arrested at a Manchester warehouse party a spokesman for two of the boys Paddy Connell & Mark Holliday said "the boys are adamant they will keep on playing at these parties & stay true to their beliefs.

The Holbeck Whores are -

Mark Holliday
Paddy Connell
Russ Richardson
Marc Wilkie
Ben Victors
Rich Robson
James Donaghy

If you are interested in booking any of The Holbeck Whores contact them at acidhousepromo@yahoo.co.uk for further info.

Or check their myspace page @ myspace.com/theholbeckwhores

Site up and running

Ok then, my new website is up and running @ www.robgreendesign.com. Here you will be able to view my work and information about me and it will incorporate this blog which I will be updating with what I'm doing with work, what I'm interested in at the moment and other general stuff I find interesting.