Thursday, October 23

Li'l update

So I'm still searching for the all important first design job and trying to get my foot in the door. It seems as though my other friends are having a little bit more luck than I am though. My friend James has been working for Partizan for nearly a month now and appears in the new Comet campaign (for about 3 seconds!) made by the production company. He also helped with the production and seems to be doing really well for himself. Well done that man. Here's the video...

In other news, I finally got around to reeling off the rest of my film on my 35mm SLR the other day, but I've had to send it to Boots to be developed, because I haven't got my own facilities at the moment. I'll scan the negatives when I get them back and post up some of my pics.

I also updated my website a bit, adding more stuff to my portfolio (although it's far from finished) and adding a new image to the main page. I'm still experiencing some bugs though. The site seems fine in Firefox, but it looks terrible in Safari. Any information on how I could rectify this would be appreciated. Visit my site at

I think that's it for now.

Speak soon.


Thursday, October 9

Some stuff...

I've not really updated this blog recently, mainly due to me being very busy. I've been working on some little bits and pieces and my vinyl figures a bit too, but this post is about some videos I'm liking at the minute...

First off is this trailer for Ghost In The Shell: Innocence. One of my favourite Anime films ever with astounding graphics. (Ignore the voice over guy)

Now this advert for Hovis directed by Danny Brook-Taylor. It's a classic already. Apparently the whole campaign cost about £15 million!

And finally... The new Kaiser Chiefs video. Although I've never been their biggest fan, this song is catchy and when my good friend Debstar took me to Elland Road to see them live and they performed this I couldn't help but tap my toes. The video is excellent, with a West Side Story/Thriller/Warriors theme to it. All the makings of a pop success...

That's all for now
